showing 5 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Award winning Shoot 'em up Konix Software1989 launchtitle uvl-workingtitle labelminimizeminimize
Manchester United FC Krisalis1989 earth latemodernperiod launchtitle naturalistic soccer walking labelminimizeminimize
The Last Ninja 2: Back With a Vengeance System 31989 actionadventure cancelled city city-newyork-ny lastninja-series launchtitle ninja ninja-theme ninjaprotagonist nunchucks prototype score swords throwingstars timetravel unarmedfighting uvl-imagequality labelimageminimize
Konix Chess Konix Software (Digital Ink)1989 chess dualism forethoughtrequired grid grid-square langinsignificant launchtitle naturalistic perfectinformation traditional labelminimizeminimize
Sports Simulator Konix Software1990 1990s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium earth latemodernperiod launchtitle naturalistic tennis walking labelminimizeminimize